Photo Gallery

Galeria zdjęć

04/06/2024 - 04/07/2024 DIVINE MERCY Weekend

03/31/2024 - Holy Sunday

03/30/2024 Holy Saturday and Blessing of the Easter Baskets

03/29/2024 Good Friday

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament during Holy Week

03/28/2024 Holy Thursday

03/24/2024 Palm Sunday Mass

03/23/2024 Preparations for Palm Sunday

03/19/2024 St. Joseph Feast Day - Holy Mass & Distribution of Blessed St. Joseph Bread

03/19/2024 Solemnity of St. Joseph

03/12/2024 - Mass - Invoking the intercession of St. Joseph

03/08/2024 - 24hrs - Eucharistic Adoration

03/01/2024 - St. Joseph's Month

12/24/2023 Chistmas Eve

Holy Week/ Wielki Tydzien

A visit from St. Nicholas December 26, 2021 / Wizyta Świętego Mikołaja, 26 grudnia 2021
Funeral Mass of Jurek Dąbrowski / Msza Św. Pogrzebowa Jurka Dąbrowskiego
Ceremony of Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe /Ceremonia Obrazu Matki Bożej z Guadalupe
Adoration of blessed Sacrament /Adoracja Najświetszego Sakramentu
First Holly Communion / Pierwsza Komunia Święta

Religious education


Altar Servers




Weekly Bulletin /
Cotygodniowy Biuletyn

Our most important parish news is found in our weekly bulletin.

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